John Leighton Stuart

  • 网络司徒雷登先生;司徒雷登;大使司徒雷登;斯图雷登;雷登
John Leighton StuartJohn Leighton Stuart
  1. John Leighton Stuart was born in China in 1876 .


  2. John Leighton Stuart , a Chinese born American , had an important impact on Chinese Society during the period of Republic of China .


  3. John Leighton Stuart was the US Ambassador to China during the Second Civil War between the KMT and the CPC .


  4. I agree with Royal Tutor but lack of evidence 1 . John Leighton Stuart was born in China in 1876 .


  5. John Leighton Stuart was a person who had important influence on the modern Chinese history and Sino-US relations , and he has always been a controversial figure .


  6. John Leighton Stuart and the Civil War between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party of China ( 1946-1949 ) On the Practical Experience of Structuring the Harmonious Society in the Yan ′ an Period by Communist Party of China
